Often with employers losing significant amounts of money in settlements and legal fees. Managers and company officers are often sued individually, being forced to pay out of their own pockets. A serious claim could result in unimaginable loss to your company and its invaluable people.
ContinuumHR provides a Dispute Resolution Program to our clients through the American Arbitration Association – at no additional cost.
This program could save your business from unexpected and devastating lawsuits by working to resolve the issue with a disgruntled employee before it ever gets to court.
Avoid the Courtroom
There have always been disputes and disagreements. This will not change. Many disputes occur in the workplace. Some companies purchase insurance against the possibility of such an outcome. For a small business this can be prohibitively expensive, with premiums ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 annually. The Dispute Resolution Program effectively eliminates the need for attorneys and courts and their cost to be involved, and avoids the expense of high priced insurance premiums. Employers can depend on the Dispute Resolution Program to settle disputes without having to go to court.